Your favourite supply/substitute teachers
- Name: Mrs Walton
- Nickname(s): 'John-Boy'
- Stuff you got away with: Everything. She couldn't control a class for shit so we'd do nothing other than hum the theme tune.
- Name: Mr Newton
- Nickname(s): 'Eddie'
- Stuff you got away with: Pretty sure he was always drunk so as long as you engaged him in a conversation about his beloved West Ham nothing much else was doing. Tried to give my pal a detention once but couldn't find any slips, my mate had thrown them all out the window 5 minutes previous.
- Name: Mrs Dezonie
- Nickname(s): 'Desmond'
- Stuff you got away with: Used to sing 'Dezonie one Mrs Dezonie' until she left the room. On a snowy and frosty morning when she was running late we opened all the windows and then closed them seconds before she entered the classroom. Convinced her it was too cold to work so she gave us a free period.
Pretty tame efforts there. Expecting better things from the rest of yous. Would appreciate it if you kept to the format.