All my underwear [audit]
Here it is:
Some comments:
- 120 pairs of socks
- 60 pairs of kecks
- three quarters the socks and half the undercrackers have been bagged up, to be put in the fabric bank thing or wherever
- many of the pairs of boxer shorts were over a decade old, but we're in decent condition
- many of the socks were in a sorry state
- this all came about because I was concerned that I didn't have enough decent pairs of socks and pants for a three week holiday so I nipped round to Next Clearance and M&S outlet last night and bought 18 pairs of gunts and a dozen pairs of socks costing the best part of a ton
- for your fyi, generally, the white boxers are older and the coloured hipsters are new
- same with socks: more colourful = newer
- got home and realised I had a lot more underwear than I realised
- it was being stored in a space approximately 300 x 300 x 250 mm, which must be some kind of tardis-like thing
- after laying out the evidence I had to go and have half an hour away from it all before sorting the wheat from the chaff
- choosing what to keep and what to chuck was a minor trauma
- some genuine angst kicked in because, whilst most decisions to keep or chuck were possible on a 'per matching set' basis, one set of socks had a single pair with a minor hole issue, so was for chucking, but separating the set required a concerted force of willpower
This thread could be about a few things:
1) Do you hoard, or just generally find it REALLY difficult to chuck stuff out?
2) Why am I dicking around posting this when I need to be clocked in at work in an hour?
3) Your underwear audit - what are the stats?