Local dialect bugbears
I need to vent. I just the rich rogeuish Scottish accent, but there aspects of the Glesga mother tongue that make me want to cry, and they seem like modernday affectations.
Some examples-
thErteen, instead of thirteen. The 'e' is really drawn out like 'ehhhhh'. the 't' is often dropped. It sounds like the grunt of somebosy awkening form a stupor- 'thehhhhhr'een'
DefEnEtely, instead of definitely. Deaf-Ehn-Ehhhhhht-ly. With the empshasis on the Ehhhhhhh.
oh god it's the Ehhhhh, I think that's what gets me.
Also noticed a propensity for some loud females to adopt a slightly US twang to certain things they say, presumably for comic effect, I think I need some clear examples before I'm allowed this one.
There are others, but I'm losing the will...
probably not a good one for 17.06.