ratios in excel
why the hell is this so hard?
I have plugged in my Analysis Toolpak to use the GCD function, but I don't think it is working properly - it isn't reducing either of the numbers by anything.
So this is my formula for that: =E3/(GCD(E3,B3))&":"&B3/(GCD(E3,B3))
I have also tried some batshit formula that works better, but still doesn't reduce the number down properly: =(LEFT(TEXT(E3/B3,"####/####"),FIND("/",TEXT(E3/B3,"####/####"))-1)&":"&RIGHT(TEXT(E3/B3,"####/####"),LEN(TEXT(E3/B3,"####/####"))-FIND("/",TEXT(E3/B3,"####/####"))))
For example, what is the ratio of 7781 to 1291350?
GCD formula tells me it is 7781 : 1291350 Cheers. I could have figured that out myself.
The crazy longer forumula tells me it is 26:4315. Why doesn't it say 1:166?!
I actually want to know the ratios of three numbers against each other, but I can't even begin on that until I get two numbers sorted.
Help please Excel fiends of DiS