Hypothetical question concerning referendums for devolution for areas other that scotland etc
Based on the idea, that if Scotland had voted for devolution in the referendum, Scotland would have become independant.
And inspired by the 'island like' nature of the election result on Brighton (seems like an idyllic shangri la la land)
What would be the situation if a referendum of all people of Brighton said they wanted to seperate......or if you want to test the idea with a more contiguous and clearly defined area, what about Kernow (Cornwall), or say the Isle of Wight.
Please do not discuss the likelyhood, just take for granted they have had a full referendum on seperation and assume they have voted overwhelmingly for it.
What happens then? If they cant seperate, why would this be the case if Scotland could have seperated?
Will Parliament declare such a referendum 'illegal' (much as Putin did regarding the Ukraine referendum)?