Thursday Gaming Thread
PlayStation Plus in May is fun. Ether one, Super Guacamelee (which is ace), Unfinished swan and Hohokum amongst others.
Far Cry 4 developer donates up to £100K to Nepal fund as the setting was inspired by it.
Ouya looking for a quick sale as they're in trouble. In every conceivable way you suspect.
Arkham Knight game plus Season pass to cost £100. Internet seems [absolutely fine / appalled / willing to wait for the GOTY edition].
Konami removes itself from stock market. Funny things going on there with rumours flying they're pulling out of gaming altogether. PS4s preloaded with the P.T. demo (which is being imminently pulled if it hasn't been already) sell on eBay for $1000.
Nintendo make a shit ton of cash in Q1 probably down to New 3DS launxhing or possibly me ordering 3,000 of those yarn Yoshi. JUST LOOK AT HIS FACE.
Don't hate the playa. Hate the game.