Would you endorse a product?
I’ve been asked to endorse a product I use at my job by an external company that makes this product. They’ve asked me to give a quote about how useful it is, so they can include my name and company name alongside the quote in their marketing materials to convince other companies to use their product. I’ve been a reasonably engaged user and have had a few email/phone conversations with the company.
It is a useful product, and I do recommend it privately to colleagues etc to help us in our work, but as an indie I’m a bit squeamish about shilling for private companies, even ones I like. If it came up naturally in conversation I’d probably happily recommend it, but I think being asked to do it bugs me, because it then seems insincere.
Would you recommend a product in a professional (or personal) capacity? I suppose musicians are often recommending Zildjian cymbals or whatever, but if it’s a paid advertisement I never really believe them.