Am I out of line to think this girl was rude & want to say something to her mother?
Today I was driving out of my village and saw a girl (15) on her horse. I slowed right down to a crawl to let her pass and instead of thanking me, she gave me the filthiest look. I was on my phone (hands free) at the time, but if I hadn't been, I'd have stopped and told her how rude she was.
The main reason I am so pissed off, is that I ride. My darling little horse is 4 and very good in traffic. I always thank people if they have made any sort of effort to slow down and give me a wide berth. Sometimes I can't take my hands off the reins, so do an exaggerated nod and pretty much yell "thank you!".
When non horsey drivers pass rude riders like this, they may not bother to slow down next time and it might be me that ends up in the back seat of their car with my darling boy dead on the bonnet.
I've half a mind to either talk to her parents or drop a note through to them, telling them their daughter should wear hi-viz because if I ever found out my daughter behaved like this, I would kill her horse until she found some manners.
I also hate bad mannered people!