The new MacBook only has a single USB-C connector.
That's it for charging and for everything else. It's a clever connector because it's symmetrical and it's small.
To connect a USB item to it you'll need an adaptor and the Apple brand one is £15. There isn't an Apple branded hub that I can see on the site, so you wouldn't be able to use any peripheral device at the same time as charging the laptop, should you suddenly realise you've let it get a bit low on power.
Also, given the way they pushed Thunderbolt, I don't think there is any USB-C to Thunderbolt converter, so you'll need a new connector to attach your Mac to the HDMI on your TV. And if you needed to use an ethernet cable you'll need to use the USB-C to USB converter and then plug a USB to Ethernet plug into that.
(If you need to read an SD card you'll need a device to do that too.)
I'm quite a fan of moving tech forward like this but I think it's a bit crazy not to include a USB-C to USB connector in the box, and probably there should be a USB-C to Thunderbird in there too.