Thursday Gaming Thread
Gunstar Heroes, Streets of Rage 2 and Sonic 2 heading to 3DS. JUST GET GOING ON OUT RUN 3 YOU SEGATWATS.
Project Cars and F1 2015 get some more footage out there. The comments section of every gaming site on the planet start beating themselves to death as F1 2015 is 1080p on PS4 but only 900p on XboxOne.
Guitar Hero is back! And doesn't use your old gear! And won't be annual anymore!
Nipples removed from The Order: 1886 in Japan. They also covered up a penis. This is why I don't watch Japanese porn.
Mewtwo (whoever the FUCK he is) comes out as Smash Bros DLC.
Mortal Kombat X gets surprisingly decent reviews. Genuinely shocked anyone still cares about that series tbh, but hey!
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SUB-THREAD: Which game in a long-running series do you regard as being pretty awesome despite it widely being either derided or forgotten about entirely? eg. Do you love FF9? Was WipEout Fusion the best one in your eyes? Was RE5 treated too harshly? etc.