What's the worst hell you can think of?
Rather than being in some pit of hellfire and damnation you are instead transported back to a random time in your life where everything seems completely normal - you are 40 and walking in the park with family, or 17 and in the shower at your parents house, 25 and with friends in the pub - standard moments in your life.
Everything is normal for a few moments, but a feeling of terrible dread creeps up on you. After a minute or so your watch beeps and you realise what is happening and remember everything that's come before. This is when the torment begins again:
You're attacked by some guys in the park, you watch your family get beaten to death and then they kill you - slowly breaking your bones and stabbing you to death.
You wake up in the shower, everything's normal, then dread and beep - You slip over and fall through the shower guard, impaling yourself on a piece of glass. Over the next few hours you slowly and agonisingly bleed out until you die.
You're in the pub with friends having fun, then dread, beep, you remember everything again - Bang, the pub is bombed and you're maimed and taken to hospital, they've run out of anaesthesia, you're completely paralysed and are now locked in for the rest of your life. You hear the doctors say that all of your family and friends were killed in the blast, then you're left locked in on a drip for years until you die of sorrow. Then
You're on the beach on your honeymoon, your wife beckons you into the sea and you chase her in. The current is strong though and your watch is beeping. You turn your head to see your wife stood on the beach and you are pulled out to sea. You desperately try to keep your head above the waves as the land slowly disappears and after a few days you eventually drown. Then
You're celebrating your child's birthday and are about to light the candles on the cake. Your wife leans in to give you a kiss but you're overcome with dread and fear - your watch beeps and startles you into dropping the lighter fluid on the barbecue. You're engulfed in flames and burn to death in front of your family and friends.
You wake up and man door hand hook car door
You wake up.........
You wake up.........
You wake up.........again and again for eternity, every time bringing another terrible dose of horrific suffering.
Pretty bad yeah?