How to explain to someone that you think their political opinion is shit
without insulting them.
So basically I was at a mini house party yesterday and my friends, who are usually apathetic about politics, are actually excited about the election. BUT all I heard was rooting for UKIP and the Tories.
The reason a couple of them might be voting UKIP is because they're basically closet racists/xenophobes (the number of times I've heard "I'm not racist, but...") and see immigration and the EU as a threat, because they have Jeremy Clarkson style, middle-of-the-road, little-Englander Euro-skeptic outlooks on life. People like this have always existed tbf. Not sure what to do about that.
Now, there might not be anything inherently, biblically evil about wanting to vote Tory, but I don't see why any young/non-rich person (which these people are) would seriously consider it. The only reason they're voting Tory is because they live in the S.E. of England where everyone votes for them, and because their parents do. They haven't actually got a clue about things like the bedroom tax and zero hour contracts. Sheeple.
Surely this is not acceptable. So how do I explain to these people that their reasons for voting are fucking shit, without being nasty to them?