Thursday Gaming Thread
Pretty slow week bar the Nintendo Direct.
Bloodborne patched and completed by a speed runner in 45 minutes.
Ironcast out for PC.
PlayStation Home is disconnected.
2.5D platformer Assassins Creed Chronicles seems odd...?
The Witcher 3 to take 200 hours to thoroughly conquer.
Dishonored one of the uocoming games on PSN.
Nintendo Direct Europe summary:
Splatoon looks great. Mario Kart DLC out a month earlier and with new super fast 200cc mode. Yoshi's Woolly world looks nice and the knitted amiibo is ace.
Horror title Fatal Frame is getting localised. Mario Maker due September. New Smash Bros characters coming.
N64 and DS games coming to Virtual console (Mario 64 already on there). Wii rereleases continue with Pandoras tower and Sin & Punishment 2.
Crazy new title announced crossing two huge Japanese franchises. Fire emblem will hit 3DS in 2016. New street pass titles imminent. Xenoblade on 3DS out.
What you been doing?