Business people advice please!
Hello you lovely lot,
I was just wondering if any of you are business owners or if you have been. Basically, an ex-client has been in touch and has asked me to buy her business because she wants a change of lifestyle and to go live abroad and teach yoga and she trusts me. She has fed me some really good projects whilst I was in my ex job role that were really successful, and she would take a percentage from the budget for each project as an introductory fee.
Her offer is selling the business (which includes clients/contacts/the name/website/logo/ case studies a and her introducing existing clients to me. She's also offered guidance and consultation for free, and she will take a percentage of the money we owe her for each project until we complete the last payment.
I've worked with her before, she's pretty good to work with and I'm keen to take over this business.
The first thing I had looked at is legal advice and there's a company called Lawbite. I need them to go over everything and create a contract between us and her and make sure the business is not in debt or anything.
Does this sound all correct of what I'm doing? As in...I don't actually know!