Solo-travel destinations
Alright loners,
I know "going on holiday alone" comes up from time to time here, so those of you that have done it: Which places lend themselves well to solo traveling? Where have you enjoyed going alone? Which places made you feel even more lonely? No need to reset the "0 days since a DiSser had an existential crisis" counter, just looking for tips.
I've got a bit of time off coming up and none of my friends do, so I'm planning just to bite the bullet and go on holiday somewhere for a week. I'm tempted by Madrid as all four football teams are playing at home that week, and going to all four games seem fairly feasible, which would be quite a nice self-indulgent thing to do. I'm worried that, as my Spanish is limited though, somewhere like New York may be better, as I'll be able to strike up conversation more easily. Advice welcome!