Have I understood the Greek economic situation correctly?
Yes, of course I have, but I thought it would make for a fun thread anyway.
Greeks vote in a left-leaning Government that promises to end austerity. To do this requires spending money, but the Greek government doesn't have any. As all lefties do when they have no money of their own they, they look to spend someone else's money instead. So they trundle off to the EU and start shouting "we demand an end to austerity! It is the will of our people! You must pay to make this happen!". They then seemed to be a little surprised when the EU (mainly Germany) tells them to fuck off.
I don't get what else they thought would happen? Why should foreign Governments give Greece money just because they voted for it domestically? The Greeks also seemed to be a bit bolshy about it given they were the ones holding the begging bowl - a bit of humility wouldn't have gone amiss.
I don't get lefties (and there's a lot of them) that live in this fantasy land where they think just because they say something it makes it true.
Here's a decent (if somewhat oddly written) overview of where things are at:
Hmm, interesting...