Would you support a 6k per year citizen's wage?
Brief synopsis:
- There are academic predictions that almost half of the current job market will be automated in the next twenty years (but who really knows)
- Modern service work and "bullshit jobs" have led to a commercialisation of human life where the person and the trade have merged
- Giving everyone in the country six grand a year would mean doubling the cost of the current welfare state. BUT it could be seen as a way to get rid of means tested benefits, unemployment benefits and subsidising low paid jobs. That being said why would you take a low paid job anymore?
So we could see corporate restructuring towards a fairer pay and tax system in an effort to keep their workforce. And perhaps with the most destitute in society now able to look after themselves to some extent, healthcare costs would decrease.
So, would you be up for it? Utopia based on work is bullshit anyway right?