Thursday Gaming Thread
Gonna do a new thread for old times sake (and as I have a spare 20 minutes).
Dragons Dogma Online announced. Looks pretty epic if that sorta thing floats your boat.
Talk of the week is that Dying Light game by the looks of it. More zombies eh? That's nice.
Grim Fandango Remastered is out NOW. Fahrenheit is getting a slightly tarted up rerelease soon. That was the original game by the Heavy Rain guys...
Nintendo allow people who use video of their titles online to get the cash from the linked ads. Welcome to 2015 guys.
Spotify is heading to PS3 and PS4 allowing you to listen to music in game instead of angry, American virgins screaming sexist insults at you down headset microphones.
Smash Bros Wii U update adds lots of new stages to 8-player mode.
Lots of people saying that RE Revelations 2 may actually be quite... good...? I'll believe that when I get to play it on my Wii-... Oh.
Christmas sales of Nintendo stuff shows Wii U is picking up a little bit of steam but still at only the 9.2 million units sold worldwide, though Iwata says they're committed to it for a while longer yet. 3DS has just surpassed 50 million worldwide and amiibo are at 5.7 million sales. Japan sales in general are in huge decline across Sony platforms too. XboxOne had a good rise in sales when reduced, but slumped back behind PS4 when full price again, so no surprise to see it on discount again already in the States.