Who Are The Green Party?
Their supporters, I mean. Had a quick flick through this vaguely amusing article (warning: vice)
That seemed to suggest there were two main types. "Watermelons" which have red/Marxist undertones hidden beneath their hard green exteriors, and some other fruit (Mangoes maybe I only scanned it all once) which is yellow on the inside because they're jilted Lib Dems. Sort of folk who are mainly interested in organic food and cycle lanes.
There's a lot of interest in the Greens expressed by the users of DiS and I wonder how they fit into the larger spectrum of Green members. Will the image transform from yer basket weaving yogurt whatevers to slightly middle class bored office drones with discerning consumerist tendencies? Or is that as silly (or true) as describing UKIP supporters as bitter racists snoring down the rugby club?
And does the need to profile everything come from an internalised corporate psychology? Yes I believe it does, Kent.