Going forward lets give it our A-game, push the envelope and take it to the next level
We've got to think outside the box, pick off that low hanging fruit and really give 110% to maximise our core competencies. Let's be proactive here people, this has legs - Today, more than ever lets hit the ground running, step up to the plate, run it up the flagpole and see who salutes. We've got to raise the bar - rightsize not downsize - focus on results and if that means getting granular then that resonates with me. This isn't a case of putting lipstick on a pig, so let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater - the scenery only changes for the lead dog. Let's out boots on the ground, move up that value-chain. I'm looking for thought-leaders, team-players and game-changers - there's too many Chiefs and not enough Indians. Anyone spots an elephant in the room then touch base with me and let's take this offline, I don't have the bandwidth right now. At the end of the day, with the best will in the world, the bottom line is we need a paradigm shift - maximise leverage with an actionable plan - we can't afford to drop the ball.
We need transparency people!