Adoption #SSP
Are any of you adopted? Would you adopt if you couldn't have your own kids. Or even if you could?
My closest friend at work adopted a baby a few months ago and it is really exciting and I fill up a bit when I think of it and how wonderful if is for her. However, I've noticed whenever I talk to her about the baby, I'm a bit bumbling and awkward, like I'm scared i'm going to say something wrong. I don't know what I think i'm going to say, but it's like I'm at pains to always ask about her little girl as naturally as possible and as if she had biologically birthed it, and that my curiosity and love towards her child is just as valid. I fear I'm overegging it though and being weird. maybe it's because we didn't know she was 'expecting'- she got the call one day and disappeared from the office and was back 3 weeks later as a mum of a 3 month old baby. I've maybe not had time to adapt to the thought of her having a baby. I didn't know she was on the list- only her parents and parents-in-law knew.
I am overthinking this right? She's a good friend, I should maybe tell her I feel like a doofus.