investing money or just spend it all?
I've got £3000 saved. I'm not sure what to do with it. I don't really spend that much, just budget within my loan and stop myself before buying lots of shite.
My money is just sitting in my bank account though, so i'm at a cross roads
1) go on some holiday alone at some point
2) Invest the money in something
3) save it for when I am sad and old and have no job and student loans
I'm not going to do 3.
i'd like to do 1 but none of my friends are rich and I don't fancy being alone for ages.
2 is tough. I have no idea what to go for.
Considered buying stuff and then selling it on ebay. I know a guy who does this and it seems like good money, if not a bit of a hassle.
Also considered a credit union.
I'm sure all the shrewd business and finance minds of the social board will come out to support me in this