Lyrics/Quotes Quiz
See if you can beat my colleagues.
I need:
- film/song title
- actor/artist
- year released/first charted
30 points available.
If you get the actor for no.10 I will be mightily impressed.
1. Attaboy, Clarence!
2. You scumbag, you maggot. You cheap lousy faggot.
3. This is my house, I have to defend it
4. Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! But I think I'll miss this one this year.
5. Cause I'm a karate man! And a karate man bruises on the inside! They don't show their weakness. But you don't know that because you're a big Barry White looking motherf***er! So get outta my face!
6. The Christmas we get, we deserve
7. Bright light! Bright light!
8. Enough with this Turbo Man! I have had it up to here with this Turbo Man! If there's anybody I don't want advice from right now, it's Turbo Man!
9. Now the frosticles appear, And they've frozen up my beard, So we'll lie by the fire till the sleep simply melts them all away.
10. I'll have what she's having