I'll have no job next Friday for the first time in my "working life"
What shall I do? I don't really have any specialism at the mo. I'm kind of an IT project manager, business analyst, technical support type wally. Do some training and specialise more? Travel? Work in a bar for a bit? Become a fisherman? Frantically search for a job, any job, in That London because there are sod all on the coast? Live like a playboy for 6 months and blow through my savings? Garden? Volunteer? Spend all day in pubs talking pseudo-intellectual with the other drunks? Start my own business importing Pecorino?
The world is my oyster, maaaaaaaaan.
Humble brag, but; I've got about 13 stacks saved for a rainy day like.
Posting after everyone has gone home from work for maximum visibility.