Help me choose a new phone
So, my iPod ended up in the wash yesterday. (It's currently in a bowl of rice). And my phone is from the Dark Ages.
In the event that my iPod doesn't recover, I'd like to buy a new phone. I'm on an O2 simplicity contract that is £15pm for as much data / calls / texts as I need. I'd be quite happy to keep this contract and just buy a new phone, but I'd be happy to get a package if it was good value.
Phone spec: as long as it can store, say, 4-8GB of music and play it back easily enough, I'm easy. I'm on a tight budget so I'm looking at around the same cost as a replacement iPod (£100-£120) - a new iPhone is out of the question. I'm open to the idea of a second hand phone but I get nervous about buying electricals off eBay. (So I'd prefer new).
Thanks for your help / comedy answers.