Hi I'm back. help me plan a party. My firm has given a very generaous budget to the social comittee heads in each of the cities we are located in, so that we can have an office-wide staff p[arty.
There are no restruictoins bar keeping it legal. The budget is so big it's kind of irreleveant.
What kind of thing would YOU really like to do. Can I ask some questoins please?
Weekends are a no-go, yeah? Thursday night has to be best. how do you feel about a work do on a friday night?
We are thinking that we'll maybe hire a function room (perhaps not in a hotel- maybe one of the larger bars in glasgow) and hire a band or a stand up or soemthign. or is that boring??
Should be do a funny awards ceremony where we hvae offic enominatoins, like the dundies (I am totaly going to have to be Michael, naturally). Would that work or is it a gash idea?
HELP. what has worked for you in the past at work social events.
Zero points to the weirdos and socially inept people who say 'oh i don't socialise ever with colleagues.' Two words- FREE BEVY.