Moods (Serious Thread)
I'm writing a mood journal at the moment so that I can see if there's a pattern to the specific thoughts that send me low. In doing so I was trying to describe the moods generally and wondering if I could come up with a rating system.
Here's the best I've come up with so far. Not completely satisfied with some of the names for the higher numbers yet. Thought it might be useful as a tool for others with mood issues, or might inspire you to come up with your own.
Right now I'm a 7. Have been a 3 in the last week. Have been at 2 at my worst, hope never to get there again.
My 12 moment was singing "1993" with Dananananaykroyd. Each to their own, etc.
0 Determined to kill Self
1 Seriously contemplating suicide (inc plans)
2 Occasional thoughts of suicide (no plan)
3 Not caring if you wake up in the morning.
4 Sad
5 Somewhat down
6 Neither happy nor sad
7 Generally positive
8 Chirpy
9 Happy
10 Buzzing
11 Elated
12 Singing with Danananaykroyd / Bivouacing with Balonz / Sauna with Steved / Rafting with Royter etc