Think I accidentally started a hate campaign against a colleague
Some guy at work sent an email to this office's social list (maybe 200 people) Subject: I Love you All. Body: HAPPY FRIDAY!!!
So I of course, being a witty and hilarious chap, replied 'Well I fucking hate you, so there's that'
Now, I have no idea who this guy is. It's a big office and people come and go a lot. However, within 10 minutes I got no less than 14 direct replies to the effect of 'Yeah, that guy is a fucking dick'. I wasn't serious you idiots!
So do I:
a) Do nothing
b) reply all to the original email with all of the 'guy is a dick' emails attached
c) rally the rag tag bunch of haters into an organised 'We hate *****' group with bi-weekly meetings?