SSP I feel really lonely
I'm back at university but I have no friends here. I've been here for 4 days - the first 2 were alright, fun even, but the last 2 have been kinda shit and now I'm on a low ebb. I've had hardly any social interaction with anyone. As an introvert I don't normally mind, but at the same time I'm pretty outgoing and the loneliness gets a bit much after a while. Right now I feel like total crap. I'm just worried all the friendship cliques are forming and it's gonna be harder to make friends. I had a bad start in my 1st year and ended up spending most of it feeling lonely and depressed - I don't want a repeat of that. My accommodation move-in date was delayed by 3 weeks which didn't help.
So I've joined tonnes of societies on Facebook but... THERE'S NOTHING ON!!! And I have no plans for the weekend either...
Okay, there's a fetish society event on tonight but I doubt it there will be any drinking involved (and it won't be kinky stuff either, it will be 'educational').
Other than that there are 'socials' but they are few and far between.
I thought I'd share it on DiS because I'm going a little bit mad and I don't know what else to do. I might go out and treat myself to a beer and burger later, then have a few more drinks later - I've already had the weekly limit but I'm treating this week an exception.
How are all you?