Draw us a picture
I've had enough of quinacridone red and pthalo green yellow shade and re-arranging colour chips of them for today. (Although had a good laugh earlier when I realised that a disclaimer about carcinogens and birth defects from the safety sheet of some expensive chalk pastels with cadmium in had somehow got inserted into the middle of their sales blurb about incomparable texture and tone blah blah blah and had been sitting like that on the website for a while)
I got an email earlier that this illustration competition is closing on Sunday. I meant to enter, but had totally forgotten about it.
My friend did it last year, and got her work in the exhibition and got to go to a fancy party, and it seems like a really good competition. So that's what I'll be doing this evening and Sunday. Maybe the pressure to produce something decent in a short amount of time will be good for me, I've got too many unfinished projects hanging around. I'm leaning towards drawing either the River Lea or Regent's Canal.
Do us a drawing of a landmark of your choice. No OXO towers or things relating to other people's mums, because I'm horrible and want you to be miserable. Prizes based entirely on my whims for the winners, shame and dishonour on the descendents of the losers.