Ideas on how to become less self-aware
My overall wellington and happiness tends to increases as I become less self-aware; however that is difficult in this age of the selfie and computer and TV screens (note how their reflective properties have increased, leading to seeing your own face for 8 hours each day, a constant reminder of you. ergo, a more narcissistic self-aware society).
-Avoid reflective screens
-Smash all the mirrors in your house, then carefully dispose of the shards (warning, these are sharp, and dispose using the proper methods).
-If you have to wear a name tag at work, don't use your real name
-Legally change your name to a random combination of letters and numbers, then burn the paperwork. You now don't know your own name.
-Hold your arms behind your back at all times - humans evolved to have arms so as to constantly remind ourselves that we are trapped in our bodies - now we will evolve to no arms (or arms protruding form the rear).