what's the current opinion on people who don't have smartphones?
Are we still getting on the auld high horses about it/pretending we're too important not to have them?
Got rid of mine recently, not for the first time, if people still even call them smartphones, idk, not because i wanted to come across as too cool or owt like that, just because i was spending a bit too much time online and assumedly like most of us kinda hate people being glued to their phones all the time.
Have to admit, found it quite difficult at first having had instant access to the net for years, but quickly settled into it. Had a very basic handset which phones and texts but not a lot else, felt like a nice compromise, but eventually kinda just settled into texting a lot more and constantly checking the time, etc.
Been thinking recently that i could quite easily go one further and simply not have one at all. Could just keep a few numbers in my wallet incase i needed to contact anyone in an emergency, 'touch base' (heh) with people periodically via an actual human-to-human conversation, get a watch, stop being a got-a-shitter-phone-than-you-but-still-a-phone-bellend.
Obviously people who completely embrace technology are awful, sickly bastards, and literally no-one who owns an iPhone isn't a massive moron, but beyond that, where do we stand on the (not really an issue) issue? Still at smartphone stage? Going back the classic Ericssons? Managed to go full-scale no phone?