Thursday Gaming Thread
I don't really have much to start this off with, but as Vamos rightly pointed out, it's Thursday and we're due a new thread.
Kickstarters are apparently making less than half the money they were last year and with a few recent high profile failures (DF-9, Yogventures) the press are starting to question the future of kickstarter for games. Don't forget that some fantastic stuff has come through Early Access though, not least Prison Architect and Kerbal, both of which make pretty much every other Early Access game look like the mobile port of Rollercoaster Tycoon in comparison.
Nintendo keep talking about how they've gimped the new Smash Bros because of the 3DS' limitations. Way to promote your next gen game.
Some other stuff I'm not aware of... my laptop's about to reboot itself so I can't do any research right now!
Oh, something about open world racing games for Vamos too.