Tech use at gigs- article help needed, please!
Hey all. I wonder if any of you music fiends can help me with a short article I'm writing which I'll probably publish on
It's going to be on the use of technology (specifically phones) at gigs. It's been quite a hot discussion recently with artists such as Kate Bush and Savages denouncing use of phones whilst they're on stage.
There are pros and cons ( but as much as i veer towards NOT using them, I have to remain unbiased lol!) and I would just like a couple of quotes from musicians/gig goers on their views.
Do you think it disturbs people truly being present at a gig or do you think modern devices assist them in documenting a great memory?
Would love to hear your thoughts. If anyone can kindly help, please reply here and I shall send you my email address.
Thank you
Ester x