MEOWINGTON, YO GIRL!!!! (Winter coats thread)
hi. I saw this yesterday and instantly thought of you for some reason I couldn't quite discern. I was wondering if maybe you had one like it? And then I remembered you'd been looking for somethign like this (I think Peaches G hasd one?)
ANYWAY- it looks like it's not quite the same quality as the one she had, but so so christmassy and i thought I'd show you it anyway-
So guys, what do you have your eye on for your winter coat? Or are you still getting wear out of your existing coat(s)? I alternate between two for work, one of which I have now had for NINE YEARS, the other 8. They need chucked and i need to get new ones, so I'm on the hunt.
Let's share. I'm looking forward to the Christmas markets!!!