Moving out from home // Moving to Bristol.
Planning a Big Life Choice soon and want to know if I've got everything covered. I'm 22 and still currently live in London with parents. Get on well with family, but looking to get away for obvious independence/different city. I spend at least one weekend a month in Bristol anyway and that's where I'm set on.
Job wise, I'm on a long term temp contract in a university. Although I like working in a uni, my job role has changed from a pretty interesting vacancy in student support to a basic admin role I could do anywhere. No chance of moving up and I don’t really want to stick around for very much longer.
I have a safety net of being able to room share with a pal for a bit (she’s looking at doing this short term while she’s unemployed as she’s struggling a bit to pay all her rent) and having savings ready for something like this.
Shall I wait until a job is concrete before moving or move first and get a job while I’m there? (parents being parents reckon I should only move if a dream career job comes up. I don’t know what my dream job/career is). Adecco, the temping agency I’ve used has an office in Bristol and they’ve been pretty good for me in London.
Where would you recommend living in Bristol that isn’t too far out and is fairly cheap?