I feel like we should have a thread about Rotherham
I don't really know what to say but it's all I can think about today and it's so brutally awful. I think the worst part for me was hearing the NSPCC say they are investigating similar claims from all over the country.
I think the last couple of years have shown us paedophilia is far, far more widespread than most people are willing to even begin to start thinking about. It's astonishing just how many men are willing to indulge their desire to have sex with children above the emotional welfare of those people for the rest of their lives. I know that's kind of an obvious point, but growing up I always assumed it was a tiny minority of men who ever did that. And the more abuse is uncovered, it seems like this awful aspect of human nature that is so much bigger than we ever thought. It's a really uncomfortable discussion, but I really think it's one we need to have as a society if we want to tackle it effectively.