Thursday Gaming Thread
So Tomb Raider might be a timed exclusive. Or a proper Uncharted rival. Or maybe a Steam title. The lovable chap from Sony whose name I forget had no idea either. Guess we'll find out in a while.
Far Cry 4 previews look really good. Given how swiftly they've made it, can see it being a better looking retread of FC3 but I think plenty of people would settle for that.
More AAA publishing people decide not to develop for Wii U. It'd easier for gaming sites to just run stories about the ones who are happy to.
The major controversy is Ubisoft I guess as they've said WatchDogs will be their last 'mature' (guess this means guns and grey graphics) title for the machine as AC and ZombiU bombed. Which you can't blame them for really, but I dispute their arguments that Just Dance is typical of the platform owners desires. I see the issue with their attitude to these AAA releases being they've released poorer versions on the machine and often at a later date, so naturally the attach rate has been poorer. If they make more games tailored to the gamepad though and which are more fun, then I'm more than happy. I feel like at least they gave it a go. Also, I bought Black Flag & Rayman Legends last week so GOOD TIMING UBISOFT.
Fire Emblem coming out on Wii U VC this week.
Brosnan plays GoldenEye at a conference. Sucks balls at it.
Whatcha been playing?