Pumpkin Cafe Shops
Depressing, soul crushing places.
The quasi-cheerful decor trying to raise the spirits of commuters and transients whose only relation to the individuals that inhabit these places is instrumental in getting their next caffeine hit.
The arbitrary jingles and luminous glare of the slot machine inexplicably placed in the corner.
Beer on sale. Not that's there's anything inherently wrong with that (train beers!), but the meagre selection seems so half-hearted.
The poor staff who, in all the branches that I've been in, seem at best perturbed and at worst wholly angry. The cruel rejection of turning down their offers of pale, unappealing and sweaty breakfast rolls that imbue a feeling of tragedy only equivalent to failing to hit your KPI targets (and the inherent meaninglessness of not selling enough insipid bacon rolls).
Your thoughts? Maybe I am overreacting. I don't know if it is a psychological complex or they are places that are just inherently unhealthy for 'the human condition'.