What to do if a very geeky 50yr old hi-fi enthusiast starts aggressively befriending you
Tony won't leave us alone. He's done us a big favour and we're a bit worried that we won't be able to shake him off now.
Backstory: we have a 1978 Dynatron radiogram (this kind of thing: which has been broken for the best part of a year. Our landlord said he knows this bloke Tony who might be able to help.
So Tony comes round and has a look but doesn't know how to fix it, but proceeds to bend my wife's ear about the history of the company who made it for about 20 mins before leaving.
He then calls me and says he knows someone in the Malverns (130 miles away) who can fix it, and it just so happens his friend is driving that way at the weekend (I will later suspect that these friends don't exist). Great! He comes round to pick it up, proceeds to chew my ear off about the history of Dynatron, which of course I obligingly and enthusiastically soak up, grateful as I am.
A few days later his friends are back from the Malverns, it's cost £50 to repair, and he happens to be at their house and passing ours, can he drop it round? That's great thanks! But actually we're not at home tonight - can you give us their phone number and we'll pick it up. Long pause. Actually I'm going to be here again on Tuesday and can bring it round after that. OK great, thanks.
So he came round with it last night. It works! Great. But he didn't leave for about 2 hours. During that time he tried to arrange all sorts of further meetings where together we could:
- go shopping for various better components
- take the radiogram apart to replace cabling
- go to his house with a bottle of wine and some of records to put them through his record cleaner (his hi-fi equipment would demonstrate the improvement better)
- bring his record cleaner to ours and spend 4-5 hours cleaning our entire collection
- map out a 3-4 year, YEAR, programme of gradual improvement work on the radiogram.
Of course we tried to be non-commital and polite but he wouldn't let up, and we only just about escaped him actually getting his diary out to arrange something formally.
Already this morning I have a text with some date suggestions.
Considering this man probably drove all the way to the Malverns himself with our radiogram and delivered it back to us, free of charge, just because he is lonely and wants to talk to people about hi-fis, should we continue to indulge his passion for this stuff as we still owe him one, or have we done enough already? Are we hanging dangerously on the precipice of some Fatal Attraction / Misery type scenario?