WWI centenary...why/what are people going on about it for, are they celebrating a war? or the number 100?
I mean I know its a number we use to measure something by, but everyone in it is dead now, so why the big fuss, it was horrible and set the world on a horrible tack, why are they reinvesting in it rather than trying to learn from all past mistakes, why didnt they clear the names of the british that the british executed earlier than a few years ago.
There is so much i do not understand about this society that this is why I feel so isolated.
100 is just a number that only has significance when you use the number base 10.
Surely its best to revisit past conflicts when you are contemplating having another one, or are about to change foreign policy or change defence priorities etc, not just because of a number fitting a certain pattern, what are we all? Cabalists? this modern society pours scorn and ridicule on such occultism and worshiping of idols, yet treats the number 100 as an idol, and is prepared to dedicate the huge suffering and human horror to such an artificial inhuman number idol.
(see this is how I view things inside, and is why I feel so distant from society and cant so easily pretend to fit in) (see my other thread)