Picnics 2014 Edition
It's almost the end of July and we still haven't had a picnic thread! C'mon guys, let's get to it.
Tomorrow my bessie and I will be having a little picnic and I've decided rather than just buying the usual stuff from the shops I am going to make some picnicy goodness from scratch.
So far I am thinking spicy sweetcorn fritters (which, incidentally I have never made before so if you have any good recipes, speak up please.) and I'm probably going to marinate some chicken legs although I'm trying to drastically reduce my meat consumption and when I do buy meat, only buy the free-range stuff, but when I mentioned chicken legs in the pub last night J was pretty excited so. Any other ideas for things I can make/bake/cook?
I'm also thinking of making some of my amazing brownies but with dessicated coconut this time oh yeah.
What's YOUR favourite picnic food?