when was the last time you drove in the boot of a car?
talking about over-filling cars at work reminded me of these good times.
Used to do this a lot as a teenager. I was probably 22 the last time I did it. I like it, it's a fun way to travel.
Furthest I've gone is about 20 miles. 'best' time was probably when we turned down a country lane to the back of a graveyard, all got out to have a smoke and stuff, then another car pulls up next to us - in the middle of nowhere. no one gets out, just stare at us. we get unnerved, get back in the car and drive off. They start following us - we speed up to get away, they're still following. turn off on to some more dirt tracks to try and lose them - mega bumpy ride in the boot as the driver is going round a maze of dirt tracks to shake them off. eventually we did.
Good times!