'What's playing in your workplace cafeteria?' An ongoing analysis
Every time I go down to the smart yet crushingly bland eating location (sandwich counter, hot meals, various seating arrangements, free coffee machine etc.) in the office which I'm paid by in return for spending my life inside there's always an offensively inoffensive song playing, so I'm going to start cataloging them because I really am that bored. Do companies produce compilation cds of these songs in order to be played in fake communal work areas?
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Song: Foundations by Kate Nash
Thoughts: Every single fucking utterance of hers irritates beyond belief, I guess this must've come out around the time of lily allen first showing up and posh girls doing fake mockney accents. The song itself is fake cheery and for some reason makes me think of frappuccinos. Gives me the urge to repeatedly hit humans in the skull with a hammer.
Existential gloom rating: 4/10