weird memories of mass culture when you were at school
I just remembered some weird school assembly we had where the entire school, all its staff, even the caretaker, were crammed into our school hall and we were singing this song from Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat. I didn't know what it was at the time, obviously thought it was a complete crock of shit, and nobody else spoke of it afterwards either, but I remember all the teachers then namedropping Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat into their lessons after that happened, like it was some covert trojan horse style promotion Andrew Lloyd Webber had arranged.
The entire school was there, singing this shite really passionately, with their arms in the air. Even my mates who I thought were really cool were doing it. It was utterly bizarre now I think of it; maybe it was some cold war government mind-control experiment or something.