this 15 items on the moon bother
i got paid £10 today to do this task.
you've crashed on the moon and your survival depends on you and your team getting to the mothership with is 320km away. rank these items from 1 (most important) to 15 (least important) for what you would take with you to help you get there safely. there is an actual list and an actual ranking that was designed by nasa bods (apparently)
don't google it dickheads
1) 20 liters of water
2) 50 feet of nylon rope
3) Box of matches
4) First aid kit, including injection needle
5) Food concentrate
6) Magnetic compass
7) One case of dehydrated milk
8) Parachute silk
9) Portable heating unit
10) Self-inflating life raft
11) Signal flares
12) Solar-powered FM receiver-transmitter
13) Stellar map
14) Two .45 caliber pistols
15) Two 100 lb. tanks of oxygen