exclusive performance of 'Waiting for Godot'
MARLON: Roscoe where is Godot we have been waiting here for six hours
ROSCOE: I dont know Marlon but I tells ya Marlon I tells ya when he gets here I'm gonna punch him square in the urethra
MARLON: Hmm... so incidentally I have the feeling that Godot might be an allegory for something, would you like to discuss that in the meantime
ROSCOE: No I wouldnt because there is nothing allegorical about Godot. He works at Greggs and I once saw him having a poo because he never locks the door when he's round our's playing imagination Altered Beast
MARLON: He always gets the high score
ROSCOE: Yes he is very persistent at imagining higher numbers to the point where you struggle to reach the next highest number and have a brain hemoroid and die
MARLON: Yes it really is an inconvenience when I die of brain hermoroids
ROSCOE: Yes I agree
SALESBOY: Ice cream get yer ice cream
AUDIENCE MAN: I will have one of yer ice creams
SALESBOY: That'll be 7000 pounds
AUDIENCE MAN: Cor blimey 7000 pounds, they really do swindle youse in this cultural arena
SALESBOY: Yes due to cuts perhaps
AUDIENCE MAN: Thank you have the money and let me have a ice cream. Oh yummers I love ice cream (opens the tub) pfft, sir next to me, the ice cram they sell here, so expensive and hardly any ice crom in the tub it is mostly just silica gel
NEXT TO AUDIENCE MAN: The sheer cheek of it
(intermission ends)
MARLON: Godot is still not here
ROSCOE: Yes where could he be
MARLON: I've just thought of a thing
ROSCOE: Whatever is it
MARLON: Did we invite Godot to come with us to the zoo?
ROSCOE: I'm sure we did, he was as excited as both of us to look at the new badger and to buy all of the -- gasp wait
MARLON: You see Roscoe I think we've pegged onto it we have forgotten to
ROSCOE: We must have imagined him while we were trying really hard to imagine that we were playing Altered Beast
MARLON: The clue is that Godot isn't a proper name like Leonard or Gladys