Bike tyre help!
So I need to get new tyres for my bike - as the current ones are pretty old and since I have upped my cycling to around 13miles a day I really need to sort this out. Only problem is that I have an old bike (Raleigh Ladies Racer) and the tires are apparently a weird size - 28c x 27 1 1/4". The clowns at the bike shop (not real clowns, figurative ones), who almost killed me yesterday morning because they a) fitted the wrong sized tires to my bike and only after cycling in the rain and hearing my tyre making a screaming sound as the mud guard dug into the rubber did I realise this fact and b) didn't actually tighten my brakes after putting the tyres back on and so when I went to brake suddenly to avoid hitting a bus realised I had absolutely zero breaks and narrowly avoided colliding into it. They said that these tyres are not available anywhere and so I need to change the wheels too. I honestly would prefer not to give them any more money so does anyone know if this tyre size exists and where I can purchase new tyres to fit?