Remember the Mean Fiddler
They use to have that Frog night there, I was queuing up (in a big fuck off queue) for British Sea Power. Access denied. I didn't have ID. I was 16. I remember seeing this "Fresh Rock Showcase" and this band were giving it the big one onstage, the bloke chucks his guitar down and the headstock of the guitar snaps off clean and boings into the audience. Fantastic. This other time I saw Ox.Eagle.Lion.Man at this indie night they had, they were playing upstairs on this make shift stage, the singer does a pathetic stage dive and pulls the mic out in the process. Hilarious. The audience were pissed and were lapping it up good and proper. One time me and my mates went out busking, once we got bored of making fools of our selves we convinced the bouncers that we were the band playing, they let us in.
Those are my stories about the Mean Fiddler. Tell me yours.