Really interesting question about posh hotel soap
So you know if you go to a fancy B&B or hotel they might have that posh Molton Brown soap that costs about £18 a bottle to you or I?
What’s to stop the hotel just refilling the posh bottles with many of the dirt cheap knock off alternatives that have sprung up, like ‘Bayliss & Harding’ etc?
Was at a smallish B&B with about 10 rooms that had loads of the stuff. Surely you just buy a bulk load to start with and then just re-fill with inferior stuff?. I’m sure you can buy trade size 5litre bottles at a cheaper retail price but……..
They probably have a contract with Molton Brown, so do Molton Brown send around mystery shoppers who come with a little test tube and pipette to ensure the hotel is advertising trading with the real thing?
Makes you think though, doesn’t it?
#reallyinteresting #sorryimnotsorry